Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Smashing the old world

The picture I saw about the Chinese cultural revolution depicted a statue being torn down by serveral people showing the act of "Destroying the four olds". This act involved tearing down all the old things in china that was "holding people back" from the new world. Thus, replacing the old things and putting in newer things. This act was enticed by propaganda, encouragement, and by force. Destruction, chaos, catastrophy, all of these contributed to the Chinese cultural revolution. Sadly, I cannot post this picture and share it with everyone reading, if anyone is (besides you, Diana). Their world was in tatters and hell, but they pulled through. What also struck me about this picture was the willingness offered from the people to destroy the old world and bring in the new. There was violence, granted, but the Red Guards were victorious against any sort of counter-revolutions or reactionists.

The connection to Red Scarf Girl is that peeople were aslo willing to comply and get rid of their harvested four olds and went out destroying them. They were willing to give everything to the revolution just to make it better. Red Guards, people, children, they all supported smashing old things to smitherines as long as they knew they were part of this. So, my only question is, did they know where this revolution was going? I don't think so. There was so much propaganda they were just hyped up and encouraged to just do and not think. Where would that revolution have gone if everyone just stopped for one minute and thought about what was happening? Who know's for sure, but a revolution that was fuled by propaganda and pain, it clearly wasn't going to accel into the new world they had planned. All it brought was pain and a world of hurt for one decade.

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